How to view The Care Certificate Report

The Care Certificate Report will only be visible if you have been given the appropriate access. This access would usually be given to Regional Managers, Managers and Admins

To view The Care Certificate Report, click on Care Certificate. From the dropdown you can then click Certificate Report.

In order to Generate a Care Certificate Report you will need to filter your Criteria from the filter found at the top of the page. The filters are:

Home/s or Branch/s | Users

To start, Select the Home/s or Branch/s by clicking the button in the filter.

A Modal will appear where you can select from the Home/s or Branch/s that you have been given access to.

You can use the search bar at the top of the page, the quick select option underneath, or select using the tags at the bottom of the page. (Tags are a group of homes which you can create yourself)

To confirm your selection, click the Submit button

To select the Users that you want to appear on your Care Certificate Report, click the Users button within the Filter Area 

You can also filter the Care Certificate by "Approved", "Awaiting Approval", "Outstanding" and "Working Towards" using the status filter located underneath the homes and users filters

Once you have selected your filters, please select Update to generate your Care Certificate Report.

Your Care Certificate will then generate for you to use.

You can download the Care Certificate Report in PDF/Excel format, by pressing the buttons located next to the update button.

You can view your Learners progress by going into their individual report. You can learn more about viewing Learners Individual progress by viewing this Article

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