How to Create Tags

The ability to Create Tags will only be visible if you have been given the appropriate access.  This access would usually be given to Regional Managers, Managers and Admins. 

To view Create Tags click on Homes from the dropdown and then your Home

Once on your Home's Dashboard click the Edit Button in the top right of the screen.

Next, click on Tags in the menu on the left

Click the Create Tag button to create your new Tag

Once you've clicked Create Tag, the Create Tag Modal will appear on your screen

Type in the Name and Description for your new tag. Your new Tag's preview will be displayed and updated in the window while the details are being updated.

Change the colour of the Tag by picking a colour from the colour picker:

Select the Homes/Courses you want to assign to the tag by clicking on the dropdown menu:

Once you are happy with your newly created tag, click the Create button 

A successfully created Tag will appear in the Tag List as shown below. 

The tags can be used for the matrix, compliance, certificate and care certificate reports, as shown below.

To Learn how to Edit Tags Click Here

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