How to send Event Reminder Email

Course Reminders will only be visible from the Learners Events if you have been given the appropriate access. This access would usually be given to Managers, Regional-Managers and Admins

Select Users on the navigation bar, then click Search Users from the drop-down

In the Search Bar, enter the name of the person you are searching for or search by there email and click "Search" icon

Once located, click on the Person's Name to view their profile and their Current Events

On their profile there will be a "Send Reminder" button, located to the right of the add events button

Click this button to send a reminder to the user

This will appear in the top right of your screen to let you know that the action has been successful completed and a email has been sent to the user reminding them of any outstanding actions needing to be completed.

This reminder is also sent weekly, every Friday to all users at your home who have outstanding actions.

Please note users will not receive email reminders if they have not verified their email address.  

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