How to view Traffic Lights on the Management Area

Viewing Traffic Lights on the Management Area will only be visible if you have been given the appropriate access.  This access would usually be given to Regional Managers, Managers and Admins

Click on the Management Area on your Events

Underneath your compliance pie charts you will have the Presets Traffic Lights 

You will be able to see all the Red compliance 0% - 38%

The Yellow compliance 39% - 59%

The Green compliance 60% - 100%

~ Please note these preset percentages are definable for each company ~ 

Clicking on each Traffic Light will Select and Highlight all Learners Homes or Roles that fit into that range

You are able to filter by Home or Role, which allows you to exclude data outside of your specified range of a selected filter category.

Using the From and To % fields you can customise what percentage range you are wanting to look at

Clicking on Score Type you are able to select either Mandatory or Required instead of the combined default. This also applies the additional filter information you have applied (percentage range)

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