How to Edit Tags

The ability to  Create Tags will only be visible if you have been given the appropriate access.  This access would usually be given to Regional Managers, Managers and Admins.

For information on how to create Tags Click here

To edit an existing  Tag, go into your navigation bar on the left and click on "Your Homes"

Then click  Edit 

Click on the Tags option

Now you are able to edit Tags

From here you will find two Tabs " Homes" and "Courses". Click on the Tab you want to edit tags for

Then you can click on the Edit button to the right of the Tag you want to change

When you click on edit, it will be up the modal you saw when you created a Tag

You can change the Name, Tag Colour, or Tagged Item (Homes or Courses)

Deleting a Tag is done by clicking the Red delete icon next to the Edit icon

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