How a Learner Signs off their Observations on the Care Certificate

(Please note, if you don't have access to the Care Certificate Award please contact your Manager or Head Office)

To view your own Care Certificate, you can click the Care Certificate button from the events area.

You can also access the Care Certificate by clicking on my profile on the navigation bar.

Next, in the top right corner of your profile, click on the Care Certificate button

You will be able to view your Care Certificate progress and your Observations

Once an Observation has been created, the Learner will need to Sign Off the Observation on their account before it can be marked off against the standards

To view the Observation, you will need to select the View/Eye icon

To sign off the observation, you must complete the reflection log - what you have learnt during the observation, and then agree & confirm

Once complete, the Learner Sign Off box will be ticked

This must be completed for all observations before the Care Certificate Award can be signed off by a Manager or Head Office.

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