How to Bulk Add Events

Bulk Adding an Event will only be visible if you have been given the appropriate access.  This access would usually be given to Regional Managers, Managers and Admins.  

You will be able to access 'Bulk Add Events' from your navigation bar when clicking onto Users. From the drop-down you can select 'Bulk Add Events'.

Then, you will need to select Add Events.

Select the Home/s you would like to enter.

A Modal will appear where you can select from the Home/s or Branch/s that you have been given access to.

To confirm your selection, click to the Submit button.

To select the Courses that you would like to add to staff members events, click the Courses button.

When Selecting Courses, you can choose from the list by clicking the Search Box and then selecting your course/s. You will only see courses available as eLearning in this dropdown.

To select the users that you are wanting your desired course/s allocated to click the Users button.

Once you have selected your filters, please select Submit.

From here, you can select the due date in which you are wanting the course/s completed by.

You can set the due dates by:

Course - Where the due date selected for the course/s will be the same for all users

User - Where the due date can be set per user for all courses being added

Both - Where the due date can be set per user and per course being added

Following this, enter your desired due date, you can do this through the Set default due date.

Once you have selected your Home/s, Course/s, Users and Due date, please select Submit to generate your Bulk Add Event.

To learn how to undo a bulk add, see this Article.

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