How to Use Scheduled Reports

The ability to schedule reports will typically be given to anyone who has the ability to view reports.

If you do not currently have access to do this, you will need to contact and request this is made available.

To start, open the menu on the left hand side and drop down the 'Reports' tab, you can then click 'Schedule'.

You will then be brought to a page with all your currently scheduled reports, from this view you can click the green arrow on the far right hand side to manually run the report to ensure it is the report you need. You can also use the red bin icon to delete any scheduled report.

To create a scheduled report, click the 'Create' button in the top right corner.

A modal will then appear, you need to firstly choose a preset report that you would like scheduled. If you do not have any preset reports or are unsure of how to create one, you can use this article to find out how.

You then need to choose what time you want the report to arrive and whether it is a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly report.

Once you are happy, click 'Create'. You can then see when the report is scheduled for along with the next run time for the report. Using the action buttons on the far right, you can either run the report now which will send it in an email for you, or you can delete the schedule.

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