How to Create a Matrix Report

The  Matrix Report will only be visible if you have been given the appropriate access.  This access would usually be given to Regional Managers, Managers and Admins. 

To view a Matrix Report, click on Reports.  From the dropdown you can then click Matrix.

In order to Generate a Matrix Report you will need to filter your Criteria from the filter found at the top of the page. The filters are:

Home/s or Branch/s | Courses | Users

To start, Select the Home/s or Branch/s by clicking the button in the filter.

A Modal will appear where you can select from the Home/s or Branch/s that you have been given access to.

To confirm your selection, click to the Submit button.

To select the Courses that you want to appear on your Matrix, click the Courses button within the Filter Area.

When Selecting Courses, you can choose from the list by clicking the Search Box and then selecting your courses.

Alternatively you are able to select Mandatory, Required or All Courses using the buttons under the search bar.

Homes and Courses can be selected using the categories set by Tags that have been created*

Click here to learn more about creating and managing Tags

When selecting users, you can choose whether or not to exclude new starters, include new starters or look at new starters only. Include Leaver or Absent accounts or filter by Role Type.

To select the  Users that you want to appear on your Matrix, click the Users button within the Filter Area.

Once you have selected your filters, please select Update to generate your Matrix report.

Your Matrix will then generate for you to use.

Course Status uses a colour system in order to show if a result is In Date, Coming Out of Date or is Out of Date.

Courses labelled  Urgent are courses that have never been completed but form part of their mandatory courses.

Courses marked Required are courses that have never been completed but do not form part of their compliance.

Courses coloured  Red and with a date are expired records.

Courses coloured Amber are in the renewal period, this period is typically 30 days but can vary depending on your companies preferences.

Courses marked Green are in date.

Matrix reports can be exported. This can be exported as a PDF or into Excel to suit your needs.

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