How to Send and View Messages

Anyone can receive a message but only those that have been give the appropriate access such as Regional ManagersManagers and Admins, will be able to send messages.

You can send messages via the users dashboard modal. The users dashboard modal can be accessed from either the management area or the Matrix.

To send a message from the Management Area you can either group users by homes, or by tags.

From here, you can send a message to the home/tag you require by clicking the message button.

You can also drop down each home/tag and send messages to individual roles or users.

To send a message to a user from the Matrix, locate the user and click their name.

The user's Dashboard Modal will appear. 

At the top of the modal, press the "Send Email" button to send a message.

Type your message and press "Send". This message will be sent to the users via email.


From the Dashboard, select the Messages Tab.

To see the messages sent to a specific user, click on their name.

All sent messages will appear under the users name.

A message can be deleted by pressing the bin icon on the right of the message.

All received messages can be accessed in the same way.

A received email can be from a regional manager, manager or admin through the system or from a user replying to an email.

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