How To Edit New Starter/Expiry Warning/RAG Percentages

The New Starter/Expiry Warning/RAG Percentages will only be visible if you have been given the appropriate access. This access is usually given to Head Office.

To start, you will need to access Homes/Services from the Navigation Bar. Clicking this will give access to your Home/Service.

From here, click into edit.

Following this you will be able to edit the:

  • Expiry Warning (the length of time a user is given the option to retake a course before it is overdue, at this point it will also go from green to amber on the matrix report)
  • New Starter Period (the length of time after a users 'Start Date' that they are given to complete courses, while in this period you are also able to include/exclude them from reports)

Once you are happy with the new New Starter period and/or Expiry Warning period, click 'Update'.

To edit your Homes RAG Percentages, click into Branding on the left hand side.

From here you will be able to edit your Homes RAG Percentages by adjusting the Score Bands (Please note that when changing your Companies Score Bands there has to be a minimum of 10% between each)

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