How To Add a Training Record

Adding a Training Record allows you to add historical training records to the LMS so that they can appear on your Matrix and count towards compliance.

The option will only be visible if you have been given the appropriate access. This access is usually be given to; Regional ManagersManagers and Admins.

To start, you will need to access Training Records form the Navigation Bar. Clicking this will give access to the Add Record button.

In order to add a training record, we must first filter by Home, Course, and Users in criteria filter at the top of the page.

1 - Select the Home button (you can select multiple homes if you are a Regional Manager or at Head Office)

2 - Select the Course button (you will only be able to select one course at a time)

3 - Select the Users button (you can select individual users, multiple users, all users or you can select by job role)

4 - After you have completed the filters, select Add

5.1 - You can select an Overall Date that will auto-fill all users Date Of Training if training was completed on the same day.

5.2 - Or you are able to fill in the Date your users completed the course individually by clicking in the date field and selecting from our calendar.

(Optional - You can also add notes to the training records you are creating along with a certificate or register)

After you have added the training record, you will receive a message that lets you know that the training records have been successfully added.

The records will update the matrix in real-time, it will be added into the users individual compliance and also your overall compliance as an organisation.

How to Edit Training Records

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