How to Edit Job Roles for a Specific Home/Service

The  Ability to Add/Edit courses in roles will only be visible if you have been given the appropriate access. This access would usually be given to Regional Managers or Head Office. 

Click on Homes/Services. From the dropdown you can then click Search Homes/Services.

From here you are able to search for the Home/Service that needs a role edited.

Once you have searched for your Home/Service, click into the Home/Service.

Following this click into View Roles, this will load a page showing you all roles within the Home/Service

Click onto View for your needed Role

Through a role you can edit a courses compliance from Required to Mandatory. If the course has been set at company level, you need to click 'Modify' on the course you want to change.

You can then use the toggle under compliance to switch from Mandatory and Required. You are also able to remove a course out of a role through clicking on the 'x' to the left of the course category title.

You will also have the ability to add courses into a role through scrolling down the page to Add course categories and clicking the green plus.

Following this, locate the course you have added into the role and click Add/Edit.

Once loaded into the course click on Add Course and add the Historical, Face2face and e-learning courses.

After making all changes you would like, you can check over your edits by looking at a Role Report.

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