How to Create a Role Report

The Role Report will only be visible if you have been given the appropriate access. This access would usually be given to Regional Managers, Managers and Admins

To view a Role Report, click on Home. From the dropdown you can select your home

Then, you open the role report in the top right-hand corner

In order to Generate a Role Report you will need to filter your criteria from the filters found at the top of the page. The filters are:

Home/s or Service/s | Courses | Roles

To start, Select the Home/s or Service/s by clicking the button shown below.

A Modal will appear where you can select from the Home/s or Branch/s that you have been given access to.

To confirm your selection, click to the Submit button.

To select the Courses that you want to appear on your Matrix, click the Courses button.

When selecting courses, you can choose from the list by clicking the search box and then selecting your courses.

Alternatively you are able to select Mandatory, Required or All Courses using the buttons under the search bar.

Homes and Courses can be selected using the categories set by Tags that have been created.

See this video on How to Create Tags

To select the Roles that you want to appear on your report, click the Roles button.

When selecting roles, you can choose to select 'All Roles' from quick select, or individual roles

Once you have selected your filters, please select Update Report to generate your role report.

Your Role Report will then generate for you to use.

The Compliance Type of a course uses a colour system in order to show if a course is mandatory or required:

  • Courses labelled Blue are courses that are mandatory
  • Courses labelled Pink are courses that are required

There can also be up to 3 columns per course:

  • ELE - this shows there is an eLearning has been added
  • F2F - this shows the face to face course has been added and will be available on the bookings system (Bookings)
  • HIS - this is historical, which allows for a historical training record to be added to the course. (How to add a Training Record)

You can also sort the Role Report by Roles or Homes

Once the Report is updated, it can be printed on paper or to PDF.

If you need to make changes to any of the roles then please use the below articles:

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