How to Complete a Booking

The ability to complete a booking will only be visible if you have been given the appropriate access.  This access would usually be given to Head Office Staff and Trainers.

You firstly need to open the 'Manage Bookings' tab. This can be accessed from the menu on the left hand side or from the events area along the top.

Scroll across until you find the 'Delegates' column and click into the appropriate row.

You will then see a list of all the current delegates booked onto the session and whether they have been marked as absent/attended. See the following article on How to Mark Delegates as Absent/Attended

Please note - You will only see delegates who belong to the home/s or service/s that you have access to.

You then need to select the necessary delegates using the tick box on the far left hand side and choose the option of '% Enter Score'

If the Grading Method chosen for the booking is 'Scored' then you will have the option of inputting a % for each delegate and uploading a file as evidence.

If the Grading Method chosen for the booking is 'Graded' then you will have the option of either passed or failed and uploading a file as evidence.

Once these steps have been completed, you can then click the 'Complete Training' button in the bottom right corner.

How to Add/Manage Delegates on Bookings

How to Mark Delegates as Absent/Attended

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