How to Edit a Booking

Editing a Booking will only be possible if you have been given the appropriate access.  This access would usually be given to Regional Managers or Regional Trainers.

You firstly need to open the 'Manage Bookings' tab. This can be accessed from the menu on the left hand side or from the events area along the top.

Find the booking you are looking to edit and click the Booking Reference.

From here, you can change which homes/services the booking is made available to, you can also click any of the green pencils to edit that section of the booking/session.

Once you have clicked a section to edit, it will be highlighted as seen below.

After making an edit to an area, ensure you click 'Save'.

You can then click the final 'Save Booking' button, this then notifies all delegates and the trainer booked on so they are aware of any edits made to the booking.

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