How to mark a User as Absent/Leaver

Marking a User as a Leaver or Absent will only be visible if you have been given the appropriate access. This access would usually be given to Regional Managers, Managers and Admins

To mark a user as a Leaver or Absent, select Users on the Navigation Bar, then click Search Users from the dropdown

Then in the search bar, enter the name of the person you are searching for and press "Search"

Once located, click on the person's name to view their profile

To Edit their profile, press the Edit button in the top right of the screen

On the bottom left, in the Status dropdown you can select Active, Leaver or Absent 

Once you have selected Leaver or Absent, you will need to add a Date and a Reason

With the Absent status, the courses can still be accessed and completed

After you have selected a leaving date and a leaving reason, press Update.  

This will bring up the notification in the top right of the screen to show if this has been successful

Now that the person has been marked as a Leaver or Absent, they will now have the word "Leaver/Absent" next to their name

To Change the status go back to Users page, Edit and select the required Status from the status drop down and click Update

You can view your leavers by going back to the Search Users page.  You can learn more about viewing your leavers by viewing this Article

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